Cigar humidor

100 cigars capacity, preparation tray, automatic control of humidity

Cigar humidor, cigar box, 100 cigars capacity | Human Heritage
Cigar humidor, cigar box, 100 cigars capacity | Human Heritage
Cigar humidor, cigar box, 100 cigars capacity | Human Heritage
Cigar humidor, cigar box, 100 cigars capacity | Human Heritage

The Story

Dedicated to passionates, this luxury cigar humidor displays a 100 cigars capacity, a large preparation tray and an integrated silver-plated ashtray. The use of cedar wood enables a constant hygrometry rate. Furthermore, the humidity level is automatically controlled through an integrated electronic system.

The Details

  • Grained coated canvas,
  • Cowhide leather finishing,
  • Microfiber,
  • Dimensions: 32 x 16 x 32 cm,
  • Locking parts and corner profiles in polished nickel plated brass,
  • Large choice of colors available through special orders.

The Craftsmanship

The craftsman needs to master three different crafts to express its art: Carpentry, leather goods manufacturing, and leather covering. As a first step, the structure of the box is built, the most often in wood. Then the craftsman has to prepare leather, before cutting, covering and nailing the cigar box.

Delivery & Contact

Items displayed on the Human Heritage site can be delivered worldwide. Depending on your delivery area, specificity of the item, and your specific requirements, our team will offer you the best level of service through our various carrier partners.

Special Orders

Our craftsmen creations are fully handmade and special ordered. Furthermore, we offer the ability to customize your item as you wish. Engraving, color, size, material... Let us know your requirements by completing the form below, and our team will contact you to advise and assist you in the fulfillment of this creative process.



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